Optimal Wealth Management


What will you do to adjust to the environment as it continues to change and remain challenging?


Wealth Management Process


 Discovery Meeting

This session is a conversation for you to tell us what’s important to you and discuss your objectives. We highly recommend having your spouse be involved in this step (We encourage spouses to participate in every step). After this initial discussion, we will review your current financial position with your objectives and determine the best courses of action to fill the gap between where you are today and where you want to go.


Wealth Management Meeting

At the wealth management meeting, we review with you your current scenario against your objectives. Any gaps or areas for improvement are reviewed with preliminary suggestions.


Implementation Meeting

This is where your plan gets put into motion. Making concrete financial steps and decisions based on the previous meetings. Your financial plan will be discussed and implemented how you see fit.


Advanced Planning

When necessary, your finances and objectives may need specialized focus (wills, trusts, tax planning) in which we will coordinate with your other trusted professionals (Estate Attorney, Accountants, P&C Agent) to complete these objectives.


Periodic Reviews

Annual or semi-annual reviews will take place to update any changes in your objectives along with any investment reallocation to go along with these objective changes.